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jeudi 18 avril 2013


Press release n° 1 – April 8th 2013

The “International Circus Festival – City of Latina” acclaimed on a worldwide level by the critics.

The technical and artistic qualities of the first 14 editions have earnt the Festival at Latina prestige and credibility on a planetary scale, demonstrated by the important goals achieved in 2013 within the context of the most prominent events in the international circus world, and the still-audible echoes from the national and international dedicated press. The “International Circus Festival – City of Latina” once again claims its leading place amongst events aimed at the promotion of the art and culture of the Circus.

Judging by some indications, the 14th edition of the “International Circus Festival – City of Latina”, which took place in October, was a portent of unexpected and extraordinary results. Firstly, the participation of Fabio Montico, President of the Festival at Latina, was present at the Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival as member of the prestigious International Technical Jury. At the same event, Montico was elected member of the Executive Board of E.C.A (European Circus Association), whose President is Urs Pilz. More recently, in China, the Production Staff of the Festival at Latina took part in the planning of the first edition of a new Chinese Circus Festival which promises to be huge both in investment and expectations. These are all different circumstances but they are all equal confirmation of the increasing importance and authority that the Festival at Latina has acquired around the world. Another confirmation of this is the almost unanimously positive recognition of this Circus event by the dedicated press on a world level. “Festival at Latina – the centre of the world” is the title given to the lengthy article dedicated to the Festival by the prestigious new Italian Circus-themed periodical “Circusfans Magazine”, directed by Dario Duranti. Both covers and numerous pages inside feature the photos of Christophe Roullin, whilst the text speaks of a Festival that “unites the official nature of the competition with the affability of the production staff”. Sven Rindfleisch, writing for the German magazine “Planet Circus”, cites a Festival that “celebrates the traditions of the Circus”. His article underlines the fact that the Festival at Latina is organized and produced by an extended team with a Circus family, the Monticos, at the helm. In Spain, Vicente Llorca, with the cooperation of Raffaele de Ritis and Silvia Frisina, presents the Festival of Latina in the periodical “Zirkolika”, paying particular attention to the first edition of the “Circus-themed coffee morning”, an important additional event that was held during the last edition of the Festival. “Weekend in Rome” (in reference to the vicinity of Latina and Rome, Ed.) is the title of a piece by Alain Neuville and François Rozès in the French magazine “Le Cirque dans l’Univers”: the text refers to a festival that has become “an essential moment for European Circus”. The French magazine “Bretagne Circus” presents a detailed write-up of all the performers in both shows, penned by Jean-Paul Amory. The Italian magazine “Juggling”, edited by Adolfo Rossomando, carries a report in words (text by Rocco Liguori) and images (photographs by Andrea Rizzi) regarding last October’s edition: particular attention is paid to the description of all the additional events which are included in the Festival and which are aimed at developing the cultural side of the event, and also to the fusion of Circus disciplines with other artistic forms. Josè Palacio, writing in the Spanish magazine “Comentarios de Chapitò”, presents a comprehensive critique of the entire show.
+ 39 0773 474000

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