vendredi 5 avril 2013
Le cirque de Moscou présente actuellement un époustouflant numéro aérien mis au point en Russie, mais présenté par des artistes kényans. Les balançoires, cette fois, ne touchent plus le sol mais servent de suspensions aériennes. Pourra t'on voir ce numéro au festival de Monte-Carlo prochainement?
Toutefois, le cirque d'état a vécu un ouragan médiatique suite à un accident important. Il y a quelques jours, Julia Melnikova, attachée de presse, nous livrait de bonnes nouvelles:
The 15 of March. The operation of the Kenyan aerial gymnast passed successfully.
We would like to inform you that on the 14 of March the Kenyan aerial gymnast Karo Christopher Kazungu was successfully operated, he was injuredthe first cer...vical vertebra, in consequence of the fall from a 26-meter height from the cupola of the Great Moscow circus, performing the trick "Drop".
On the official information of the doctors in charge, the operation passed successfully. At the present moment the artist is under full control of the doctors. The state of health is stable. There are no postoperative complications.
The Administration of the Great Moscow circus took all liabilities on rendering the assistance to the doctors and rendering the financial assistance for recovering of the artist.
We wish Christopher quickly recovery and rejuvenation!
Of the Great Moscow circus at Vernadsky avenueAfficher la suite.